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Help us continue to make a change around the world & in our community.

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Apple Device

Donations Accepted Through CASH APP

  1. Go to the "CASH APP" application which is available on both Android & Apple devices.

  2. Once opened, type in the amount you wish to donate. For example, for $5.00 you will simply type the number 5.

  3. After you enter amount, click the "Pay" button below.

  4. Then type in the cashtag "$KAMIBAHAMAS". Go to the notes section and enter "Donations"

  5. Click "Pay" once again and you are all done.

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Thank You for Making a Difference

Whoever is generous to the poor, lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." Proverbs 19:17

Donate with Givelify

Power & Glory TV also accepts donations with Givelify.

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